Stem Legal is pleased to welcome our newest client, Woods, LaFortune LLP.

Woods, LaFortune is an international trade law firm based in Ottawa, ON. The firm’s four lawyers — Michael Woods, Gordon LaFortune, Paul Moen and Catherine Walsh — serve Canadian and international business clients. With a focus on flexibility, innovation and proactive cost-effectiveness, the firm helps clients in all areas related to international trade, such as:
- Trade remedies
- Country of origin
- Duty drawback, deferral and remission
- Import and export controls, TRQ and EIPA
- Investor-state dispute resolution (including NAFTA)
- Internal trade agreements (WTO, NAFTA and other free trade agreements)
- Government procurement and relations
- Appeals and judicial reviews
The firm’s lawyers are actively involved in trade law alliances and industry groups, write extensively and speak regularly on trade law matters. Woods, LaFortune publishes the Canadian Trade Law Blog and can be found on Twitter at @WoodsLaFortune.
About Woods, LaFortune LLP: Based in Ottawa, ON, boutique international trade law firm Woods, LaFortune LLP focuses on international trade and business, investment, customs, government procurement and government relations. The firm offers strategic advice and analysis, business planning and analytical research, and represents clients before domestic and international courts and tribunals. The firm’s founders Michael Woods and Gordon LaFortune are internationally recognized for their expertise in trade law.
About Stem Legal Web Enterprises: Stem Legal helps law firms build online profile and increase web-driven business. Tactics range from law firm SEO and link building campaigns, to audience profiling and content development strategies. Stem also helps firms leverage the social web by using law blogs and social networking, developing content syndication strategies, and participating in business market conversations.
For more information, please contact Steve Matthews at 604.826.8072, or by email at