In case you missed it, Stem client Harrison Pensa LLP of London, Ontario, has just completed a very successful week of posts over at Slaw. Harrison Pensa took an interesting approach to its “Slaw Week” — three of its articles were about trends in certain areas of practice (including family law, class actions and social media law), while the other two concentrated on the business of law (including hiring a CEO and automating process-heavy work). Collectively, HP’s Slaw posts garnered dozens of retweets across Canada, the US and the UK.
Here’s a roundup of all five Harrison Pensa Slaw posts:
- Hunting The Elusive Class Action Trial: Results From a Survey, by Jonathan Foreman
- Divorce and the Baby Boomers, by Terry Hainsworth
- Social Media Legal Practice, by David Canton
- Should Your Midsize Firm Hire a CEO? by David Williams
- Automating Process: The Future of Profitable Law, by Geoff Pulford
Look for all five of these posts to appear over the next several days at Harrison Pensa’s own network of blogs.
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