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Jonathan Rosenfeld Announces New Bed Sore Resource Center and Practice Group

Stem Legal congratulates our client Strellis & Field attorney Jonathan Rosenfeld on the co-launch of a new Resource Center and practice group dedicated to bed sore injuries.

The new Resource Center is a sizable new addition to Mr. Rosenfeld’s Bed Sores FAQ site, and includes new sections on bed sore injury articles and a detailed glossary of bed sore terms. Perhaps most impressive, visitors to the website will now be able to access a new National US Directory of medical providers arranged in a State-by-State drop-down menu. At launch, the directory includesmore than 650 care providers!

Stem Legal also congratulates Mr. Rosenfeld’s law firm Strellis & Field on the launch of its new practice group dedicated to Bed Sore Injuries.  Also known as pressure sores, pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, the new practice page explains the nature of these injuries, their causes, and the mechanics behind their development.  Mr. Rosenfeld, who has a long history of helping bed sore injury victims,  previously handled these types of cases under the firm’s Nursing Home Negligence group.  By launching a new dedicated firm group, he hopes to set apart this very important area of his practise.

About Stem Legal Web Enterprises: Stem Legal helps law firms build online profile and increase business through the use of SEO and link building campaigns, audience profiling and content development strategies, and customized media and communications plans. Stem also delivers advice and guidance for law firms exploring online social media, specifically by using law blogs and social networking, developing content syndication strategies, and participating in business market conversations.

For more information, please contact Steve Matthews at 604.826.8072, or by email at

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