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JD Supra Adds Law Centers

Legal document sharing service JD Supra launched a new feature today: law centers. These new sections of the website are devoted to making the company’s legal content more accessible and browsable.

Visitors can now do one-stop information shopping in any of the core-center divisions: personal law, business law, government law, and law practice management; or under any of the many related sub-centers.

For lawyers tracking a specific area of law, or for the consumer looking for targeted expertise, JD Supra’s law centers have helped make that information easier to find. For example, within the Personal Law Center, visitors can see the most prolific contributors and the most recent postings by personal injury lawyers, bankruptcy, criminal law, employment law, and a host of others.

Also worth highlighting, law centers are completely contributor driven. Once lawyers and firms have signed up for JD Supra, they are free to publish documents related to their preferred area of practice, and have those items show up in the new law center pages within minutes.

Stem Legal offers a big congratulations to everyone at JD Supra!

About JD Supra:

JD Supra allows legal professionals to publish and distribute legal content to the world. The company enables lawyers, law firms, and legal professionals to market themselves through the open exchange of legal information – including court decisions and attorney-written material. JD Supra is based in San Francisco. For more, visit

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