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Stem Client The Meadows Introduces Integrated Evaluation Program

As noted on the Addiction Recovery Reality blog, Stem client The Meadows Addiction Treatment Center has just announced a new program called Integrated Evaluation.

The program introduces a new component to Survivors Week — a workshop examining the origins of adult dysfunctional behaviours by exploring early childhood issues — which has been run by The Meadows for more than 20 years.

In addition to attending the workshop, each client meets with a treatment team consisting of a psychiatrist, primary care physician, addiction medicine specialist, clinical psychologist, and nutritionist. The evaluation team works collaboratively to ensure that clients receive the most thorough, integrated, and comprehensive evaluation.”

At week’s end, The Meadows professional staff review preliminary diagnostics findings and discuss potential treatment options with the client. A comprehensive final report is sent to the client within two weeks.

For more information about The Meadows and the Integrated Evaluation program, call 1-800-632-3697.

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