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Lexblog Additions to

Stem Legal Web Enterprises Inc. is pleased to welcome eight new Lexblog-powered lawyer blogs to the Florida Lawyer Blog Watch. is Stem’s joint project with our client (and also Lexblog client) Ronald Chapman, who is himself a blogging West Palm Beach attorney. FLBWatch monitors the latest posts from lawyers blogging across the State of Florida, and produces a temporary aggregation of those entries. That means the site will show, on average, about three days’ worth of commentary.

Stem would also like to note the continued expansion of this site, which now monitors 48 blogs in total. This influx from Lexblog brings their total number of contributors to thirteen, including eight new ones (below) marked as new!

Thanks goes out to Rob La Gatta for contributing the updated list. And a big welcome goes out to all the newly added Florida law blogs!

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